We are a team of volunteers who are desiring the best for our community.
Learn about usSubmit Service RequestHealth & Growth
We believe that having your health is a vital part of having an abundant life, that is why we offer so many services to improve your health. Everything from Nutrition and cooking to massage and depression recovery programs
Children's Projects
We believe that children are the future of our community and our world. We want to promote values, respect and self worth for each child that attends our events. Our events provide safety and encouragement by embracing each child’s individuality and strengths and challenging them to grow and develop their character and confidence.
Acts of Service
We provide support to our community members by giving a hand where a hand is needed. We strongly believe in practical projects to change and improve the life of community members. In order to fill this gap we provide a vast list of ‘acts of service’ to help cater for our community needs.
Complete Services List
Health and personal growth services
- Cooking Demonstrations
- Healthier Living
- Complete Health Presentations
- Depression Recovery
- Complete Health Improvement
- Program (CHIP) Introduction
- DVD Info Nights
- Natural Remedies
- Addiction Recovery Program (Cherrie Peters)
- Visiting Nurse
- Health Expo
- Lifestyle Coaching
- Basic Massage
- Hydrotherapy
- Personal Growth
If you would like to request any of these services, please fill in the request form.
Children's projects
- Saturday morning child minding
- Children’s club
- Vacation care program
- Kid’s Time Out Program
If you would like to request any of these services, please fill in the request form.
Acts of service
- Yard duties
- Home duties
- Home maintenance
- Rubbish disposal
- Car wash
- Simple house repairs
- Car repairs
- Dog/Cat grooming
- Pet assistance
- Meal preparation
- Food bank
- Shopping assistance
- Transport
- Computer training (Beginners)
- English Classes (Beginners)
- Trailer/Ute loan
If you would like to request any of these services, please fill in the request form.
What is this all about?
ACTS is a volunteer run non-profit organisation made up of Seventh-Day Adventist Christians with a strong desire to give back to our community. Our team is made up of professionals as well as volunteers who have knowledge and experience that can benefit those in our local towns and cities. We offer a wide range of services, according to the skills of the team members, in each location. For further details on locations and services please contact us through our service request form and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as we can.

Just fill in this form and we will get in touch with you
©2017 ACTS
Website by Farbox